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Mpho Dube

Gloves are off, Limpopo Economic Development Agency (LEDA) and its Group Chief Executive Officer Thakhani Makhuvha have entered into the battleground to determine who the strongest gladiator is over employment contract conundrum.

LEDA is under the microscope after suspending Makhuvha who contested his suspension through his legal team which took the matter to Polokwane High Court which overturned his suspension on February 15, 2024.

The agency was ordered and directed by the court to allow Makhuvha to return back to work with immediate effect. Makhuvha’s suspension was declared “unlawful” therefore it must cease to exist.

The Azanian can confirm that Makhuvha was subjected to suspension on December 20, 2023, was given two days to respond why he shouldn’t be suspended.

Makhuvha who refused to comment yesterday when pressed for comment by The Azanian was told in the letter sent to him by LEDA’s deputy board chairperson C Nkadimeng that the reason for the suspension is dereliction of duty.  

Makhuvha was informed about his suspension on January 15, 2024 that he is being suspended as the GEO with effect from January 18, 2024. He was also informed that disciplinary charges and details of the hearing will be communicated to him in due course. 

As expected Makhuvha was told to return all working equipment, documents of LEDA and barred from entering the premises. He was also told not to communicate with his colleagues pending the disciplinary proceedings against him or solicit information from them concerning the matter.

According to sources Makhuvha is been targeted for refusing to take mandate from allies of outgoing Premier Stan Mathabatha who are remote controlling LEDA board. Mathabatha is an ally of disgraced former Health Minister Zweli Mkhize who lost to Ramaphosa who walloped him during the 55th national ANC national elective conference with 2 476 votes after receiving 1897 votes. Mathabatha narrowly lost with 44 votes to ANC chairperson Gwede Mantashe after he defied the Limpopo ANC PEC mandate of supporting President Ramaphosa by chanting “Amabubezi” slogan.

At the time of going to print, LEDA had not yet responded to questions sent by The Azanian which will make a follow-up story. 


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